This week is about Semiotics.

First of all, Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, how they can create the meaning. Also, it is the way of seeing and assuming the World. There are a few words that are extremely important to know and understand in this study. 

Sign – the object.

Signifier – the form or a sign.

Signified –  is the idea or concept of the thing. 

Denotation – literal meaning of a sign, symbol or word.

Connotation –  is the visual meaning of a sign, symbol or word. 

Initially, in this picture, we see the apple as an object (sign). Thus, in this example, we see an apple as the image but we also can hear it as a word (signifier). However, at first glance, it makes some sense to each of us (signified). For some, it is usually rounded yellow, green or red fruit. This is the meaning of an apple that we can find in the dictionary, so it is Denotation. But we can also associate the apple with a healthy lifestyle, freshness, or even a computer. For me personally, an apple reminds me of autumn, my grandparents’ garden or an apple pie. So, the apple takes on a visual meaning or even can evoke feelings for us, so then it is like as Connotation.

This study can be used in many ways, such as in films, advertisements, poetry. The sign can be used as a certain code by trying to deliver a message to the audience or consumers. One thing/object can have many meanings, but it can have just one meaning in a particular way.
