It is a month now of my being here and studying. Finally, I can say that I feel settled in and feel great being here. 

So, this week we keep talking about Visual analysis, but it is non-identical compared with last week’s lecture. This lecture is about camera movements, editing and sound. 

Camera movement is one of the most useful tools in a filmmaker’s armoury. It can be used to reveal information to the audience by providing clearer visual information. There are some examples of camera movements:

  • PAN – the camera horizontally swivels from a fixed position (right to left or left to right);
  • TILT – the camera vertically moves from a fixed position (up to down or down to up);
  • DOLLY – the camera smoothly moves forwards or backwards;
  • TRACK – the camera moves from side-to-side but still looks forward;
  • ZOOM – the camera stays still, but the camera lens moves closer or further away from the subject;
  • POV – it is like being in the position of a character, seeing everything from the character’s eyes.

Sound is a powerful technic in films/videos that can shape how we perceive the image. Things that have to focus on are the rhythm (a pace, beat), fidelity (disparity between the image and the sound), time (synchronous or asynchronous), volume (changes in volume). Also, we have to notice if the sound is digestive or non-digestive.

Talking about editing, it is a technique to put a few shots in larger strings. In the lecture were explained some editing theories, such as “The Kuleshov effect”. So, if you want to know more about that, I linked the video. 
