In this podcasts project, my role is to be a presenter. So, what I will have to do it so interview the guest including scriptwriting, research on the guest, and all the preparation.
In the third week’s session, we were able to try ourselves out. Presenters and production teams together made a demo 3 minutes podcast. It was my first time doing that so, even though it was just a test with my classmates, I was very nervous. However, these short demos seem to be very useful. For myself I notice a few things that I have to work on:
- move as less as possible because all sounds are audible;
- don’t rush while talking;
- relax my mind;
- know what I want to say, always have a point.
So since we don’t know our guest yet, I have time to work on all of this. I will listen to various podcasts for practice, talk loud with myself about any topic, watch videos on how to create a good podcast.

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