When the module started, I thought that I knew a lot about myself, like what I like/ dislike and what kind of person I am. I was even considering how this module would be helpful to me. However, I did not know enough about myself in a professional way. First of all, the group project about the professional field, in my case the advertising industry, incredibly helped me choose the area I want to concentrate on. Before that, I was baffled, and it seemed that I liked everything and nothing simultaneously. So, this project made me decide which way I’m planning to go. Nevertheless, my decision was not made just for the project. I read a lot about professions in diverse industries and watched numerous Youtube videos of people who show their daily lives and routine working in a specific field. All of it was very useful to find out what interests me the most, so it is the advertising industry. Also, as my task was to take an interview, I met a person who works in that industry, Ivan Carvalho, and we still have contact with him. The possibility to meet a person from the advertising industry was a precious experience. I was able to ask questions that intrigued me, such as how did Ivan got this job or how it is to work as a freelancer. So, this assignment was helpful in terms of finding my path, even though I am aware that it might change with time. Secondly, because of the workshop in the TANK, I realised that I enjoy being a leader of the group. Even though I have experienced being the team’s head, I was still thinking that it did not suit me. However, I came to the realisation that I enjoy it, and I like to lead the group. Talking more about the TANK, I tried roles as a cameraman and scriptwriter, and it all was a great experience. Even so, I understood that production is not the field that I would love to be a part of. Thirdly, I found it very useful to create the portfolio. At first, it seemed extremely difficult to do, especially the part of the Skills Assessment. I have spent much time thinking about what kind of experience I have and what I learn from them. However, I noticed that I had gained experience and each of them taught me something, even though some of it were not professional. For example, writing articles for a school journal taught me to write articles engagingly. The job in a fast-food restaurant taught me to work under pressure and communicate with various types of customers. Thus, during the module, I found out some things about me related to the professional field, which boosted my self-confidence. Now I feel that I am more ready for the future.
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