Unfolding the waves of life

Month: January 2023

A Group Project

During our first semester, I have been assigned with a project which needs to be completed with a set of group. This group has completely new people whom I haven’t met before. It is very exiting to interact with the people from around the world. We had planned our meetings and started to meet in library and also over virtually via Teams. After reviewing the project details and understanding the outcomes to be presented by US, we have distributed the research part among the entire group. On timely manner we attended meetings and shared the updates on our research. Once we felt we had enough material to prepare our presentation, everyone started working on presentation. Before we reach the deadline, we managed to prepare our group-3A presentation. After review form entire group we submitted in the turnitin. It was very exiting journey and hardworking also. Because, this has to be completed along with our regular assignments and attending daily classes. At times I felt it was stress full, but I learned a lot. On fine day, we saw a message in Aula, that our group was selected and we were given a chance to present our PPT in the class. That day has finally come and it was a huge group of class. We have elected few to present and we supported them. Moreover, the good part is we got the chance to see others work as well. At the end of all presentations, our group was selected as best presentation from the entire class. This gave us a great encouragement and boot to perform better in the future. I have also received a certificate. This was a great experience I would carry forward in my professional life.

Busy Bee

Its been a while I was doing my assignments and adopting to the time change and early sunsets. This December was very new experience for me with mixed feelings for my life. At times, I felt alone in my room during cold winter nights. At times I enjoyed coffee with my close friend Navya. Some weekends went on cooking delicious Indian meals with other flat mates. But over all, i learned new things to be self sufficient and self entertaining. This December gave me a life that I would never imagined and learnings I would remember for life and memories I cherish forever.

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