Welcome To My World

Month April 2022

Explore your dreams and ambitions for next 10 years time

For the next 10 years time hopefully, I’ll be able to live in the future for which I’m working now.Oh, I forgot to say about my other not professional work which is a make-up artist, in my spare time I… Continue Reading →

Explore your dreams and ambitions for next 5 years time.

Before the end of the next five years, I want to graduate and firstly make myself feel proud of myself and then my family. I want to have a record of my achievement, like my portfolio of work, a list… Continue Reading →

Explore your dreams and ambitions for the end of the year. 

For the end of this year, my main goal is to pass all of my modules, for that I’m hard working a lot because everything is challenging for me but I’m happy with it because I’m loving what I’m doing…. Continue Reading →

Milestones for PDP.

So the first thing that I have to do is to understand what’s a milestone, because it’s a new word for me, after doing some research on that I have to understand how to play with my hashtags; After that,… Continue Reading →

APT meeting- What did I take from it.

During the ATP meeting attended with Rebecca I tried to share with her my weakness, what I struggled with and how can I overcome them. She listened to my problems very gently and gave me some advice. I asked her… Continue Reading →

Interview with Eric

Eric: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/6a131473-a8d3-4a67-b705-76bb90a66101?list=studio How do you get unstuck creatively? I will go find some art or design books to read, also go outside and look at the nature. I think nature can make me relax and have more inspiration. After that… Continue Reading →

Selfie video with the mask

Video’s link: Part 1: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/5708ce48-0e70-4b12-a6ff-30f97f7f989a Part 2: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/a603dc66-5d50-48a5-ae27-147024843a58 Part 3: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/e8a7ee6d-60e3-4695-ab3e-2f58a545f0ae Text In my mask, I have tried to play with multiple colors which I think has given my mask a very shiny, enjoyable, traditional, and motion look. I’ve used… Continue Reading →

Reflection based on SWOT.

In the beginning, when we started this module (PDP) I was really struggling to understand the topics on which we have to write our blog posts on WordPress. Everything was blank in my mind, even I knew how to write… Continue Reading →

Where am I?

In my current situation, I’m working hard to pass all of my assignments because I have a dream and I want to realize it in real life as well. I was never this much confident with my education before starting… Continue Reading →


Before talking about what vision I have for myself as a graphic designer, I would like to talk about the complex journey that I had to face to come to this point. Everything happened like a dream.  When I was… Continue Reading →

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