Welcome To My World


Interview with Eric

Eric: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/6a131473-a8d3-4a67-b705-76bb90a66101?list=studio How do you get unstuck creatively? I will go find some art or design books to read, also go outside and look at the nature. I think nature can make me relax and have more inspiration. After that… Continue Reading →

Interview – Debbie Millman

In a time when it’s common to see “busy as a badge,” how do we challenge ourselves to be patient, pace ourselves, and start building the lives we aspire to live? Debbie Millman When it comes to making time count, Debbie… Continue Reading →

Interview with myself.

https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/b4b7ee10-eacd-4f22-bd54-1c34666cd7a4 Describe your creative process I don’t have a specific creative process, generally, before starting to work on something, I mostly focus on the requirements/brief, and after understanding that clearly, I move on to the next step which is researching… Continue Reading →

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