Welcome To My World

Category SKILLS

Answering #skills questions

• What kind of technical skill is necessary to perform within the specialism? (tools, technologies, materials) • What kind of interpersonal aptitudes are expected to perform within the specialism? The role requires multitasking, project management and negotiating skills, plus a good-humoured… Continue Reading →

Cover letters

https://files.coventry.aula.education/6f56f93cb21019ff66215c313ae1869e5019___week_8__session_notes.pdf Penguin books ltd  City of Westminster, London, England  Dear Sir/Madam,  As a 2nd-year graphic design student of Coventry University, I was interested in getting this job position for a book cover designer as I was looking for a suitable… Continue Reading →

My personal CV design

What is a CV A CV, which stands for curriculum vitae, is a document used when applying for jobs. It allows you to summarise your education, skills and experience enabling you to successfully sell your abilities to potential employers. How to… Continue Reading →

Activities done during 31st Jan

Today our task was to work with the #Skills, we had to do some research to find out the skills that we need for our dream job. First of all I researched my dream job as a Book Cover Designer… Continue Reading →

My dream job #2

After doing a wide research on my dream job that I wander to do in the future which is Print and Publishing Design, I discovered that there are so many other branches of careers in this sector. I had a… Continue Reading →

SWOT – Analysis outcomes.

This task is very meaningful for me, it helps me to discover my qualities to fulfil my dream job. As I realised what job I prefer to do in the future basing what I like to do and where am… Continue Reading →

Action plan-SMART outcomes.

After working with my SWOT analysis now it’s time to do the SMART plan so that I can identify what action to take next. A SMART action plan incorporates 5 characteristics of a goal: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. To… Continue Reading →

My dream Job #1

Print & Publication Design This job category is one of the most interesting ones that I would like to do after I finish my Graphic Design course.This year in the 1st semester of Narrative and Time 2’s module I worked… Continue Reading →

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