
I am a versatile, professional with curiosity to do work. I can establish a good relationship with people at all levels and from all backgrounds due to my excellent interpersonal skills.


Its somehow difficult for me to work under pressure and how to manage time.


Focus upon how to manage time and to enhance Self and professional development.


Overthinking and pressure to gather peers are the biggest threats.


My name is Ameer Fatima. I did MS biochemistry and currently enrolled as a student of Global healthcare management in Coventry University. If I talk about my professional career than I am proud to be a biochemical researcher.

I am passionate for my work, adventurous and traveller because I believe in saying

“A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever. “

John Keats

I did different internships in biochemical labs, being a trypanophobic person I overcome my fear by handling blood sampling. As,

“The experience of overcoming fear is extraordinarily delightful.”

Bertrand Russell

I believe nothing is impossible if one tries and work hard. Moreover, having interest in genetics leads me towards a researcher a proud biochemical and bioinformatic researcher.

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