PDP 2/2:

Short term goal: To organizing things:

S- specific Improve productivity by enhancing organizational skills.  
M- measurable I want to improve my organizational abilities and gain confidence  
A- attainable I’ll set aside 30 minutes each day to organize and purge, beginning with tiny rooms and working my way up to bigger ones.
R- relevant A less stressful atmosphere, higher productivity, and better time management will result from developing good organizing abilities.
T- time bound I want to accomplish this by 23 June 2023. I will have successfully organized one major area

Medium Term Goal: Improve decision-making

S- specific  Improve my ability to make decisions so that I can do so in both personal and professional contexts with more knowledge and effectiveness.
M- measurable I strive to constantly make well-considered judgments that result in favorable results and less worry while making decisions.
A- attainable I’ll set aside time each week to research decision-making strategies, practice making decisions, and get input from mentors or other reliable people.
R- Relevant Developing my decision-making abilities will help me solve problems better, feel more confident, and achieve better results in a variety of areas of my life.
T- time bound By the deadline of August 7, 2023, I must be determined to accomplish this objective.

Longer Term Goal:  To enhance confidence

S- specific Increase my self-confidence so that I may feel more capable and confident in all facets of my life.
M- measurable  I aim to increase my self-confidence by engaging in specific activities and practices that challenge and boost my self-esteem.
A- attainable By partaking in particular practises and activities that test and enhance my self-esteem, I hope to strengthen my self-assurance.
R- relevant Growing more self-assured will improve my interactions, decision-making, and general wellbeing.
T- time bound  By the end of the October 2023, I should be able to concentrate on any type of conversation without becoming side-tracked.

SWOT 2/2


  • Time management
  • A good organizer


  • Communication skills
  • Lack of resilience
  • Not a good decision maker


  • Undergo resilience training, workshops
  • Participating in decision-making workshops


  • Letting significant opportunities pass by
  • Increasing worry and tension,
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