Reflection using Rolfe model:


I am a Biochemist and being a part of clinical work, the quality of time management was absent in me. At that moment I realized, for enhancing my management skills I have to work hard. I decided to pursue my studies in Global healthcare management in the UK.

So What?

As stated by Tracy every good planner is a skilled time controller. A general guideline is that every minute spent planning can reduce the duration of execution by ten minutes. (Tracy, 2014, p. 112). Different modules, and feedback from module leaders, group members helped me a lot to improve this area of development.

Now What?

Multiple degrees of leadership exist.. Arranging and creating capabilities developed over time. For future development, I proposed a SMART action plan.

S- specific To be an efficient leader I would enhance my time management skill.
M- measurable 60 days targetMonitoring the time I worked.Getting feedback  
A- attainable Practicing daily, using electronic gadgets, scheduling software, reminders, and being distant from things that waste time.
R- relevant Setting priorities for important tasks is a very effective way to develop as a leader.
T- time bound By the deadline of March 7, 2023, I have to be committed in achieving my goal.


Tracy, B. (2014). Time Management (The Brain Tracy Success Library). Amacom

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