PDP 1/1

Short term goal: To improve communication skills:

S- specific I am afraid of speaking in the front of a large audience with confidence because of an introvert. Even if I am aware of how to discuss in a public speech am as forceful, expressive, or eloquent as I could be and I need to believe in myself.
M- measurable I desperately want to enhance my communication abilities and Over the next six months, develop my public speaking ability. My mentors, leaders, and team members who can evaluate my communication and presentation abilities will provide evaluation on my development.  
A- attainable I have to achieve my objective by actively participating in group projects and presentations in class. I also want to get involved in local volunteer work where I may interact with larger teams.  
R- relevant An emerging healthcare leader must own a number of important talents, and also know how to communicate effectively. Through many group presentations in class and other activities, my MS global healthcare manager supports me in developing this skill so that I can better myself as a good communicator.  
T- time bound I want to accomplish this by February 2023.  I believe it will make me a more effective and self-assured presenter who addresses audiences, publicly without hesitation or fear.  
 All connections at work are based on communication. And it is a best way to achieve all the organizational duties or tasks. The most crucial aspect of our work as a leader is communication. It forms the cornerstone of all of our connections with other people. It improves people’s shared trust, which increases their compatibility with one another. In addition, by strengthening the communication skills, a leader may confidently share his or her goal with followers and co-workers, inspire empathy and drive, and build beneficial structural practises that boost productivity. My self-reflection analysis, which I completed for

Medium Term Goal: Organisetime management skills

S- specific  To be an efficient leader I think that I do not have the abilities to manage time, I would like to enhance them to develop myself in a progressive and effective leader.
M- measurable I wish to become more professional and better at managing my time during the next 60 days.  
A- attainable Using a scheduling software with reminders, and try to maintain distance from those things that I actually think will effect or waste my time.
R- relevant Defining and prioritizing Setting goals for routine chores is a highly effective method to grow your career and develop into a capable healthcare leader.
T- time bound By the deadline of March 2023, I must be determined to accomplish this objective. By that day, I must have to strengthen my time management and organizing abilities, increased work effectiveness, and been able to easily meet deadlines.
However, I’d like to develop into a role model for a transformational sort of leader, able to inspire devotion toward attaining operational targets in a predetermined amount of time, while also inspiring the team to work hard and share the vision. In order to attain my medium-term goal, I would use the SMART tool as described above in the table, as well as a realistic timetable-based chart time management tools in both acoustic and virtual formats, and my effective time management abilities to grow myself as a healthcare leader. I will receive feedback from my peers, co-workers, and classmates for completing the assignments on time and for self-monitoring; this will advance me as a stronger leader in contemporary healthcare.  

Longer Term Goal:  To enhance my listening skills

S- specific To be a good leader the difficulty I am facing is to pay attention to what is being said in any conversation, but it is something I can get better at by honing my active listening techniques.
M- measurable In will try to Summarize the discussion and will try to explain what I understand through it —I will not judge the speaker at first I will try to configure what he is trying to deliver me this will act as a gauge how good I am listening. Moreover, ability to make right decision will also help me to evaluate.
A- attainable To attain effective listening skills it’s important to not use any digital thing for example mobile or Laptop during the discussion or attending lecture because they can automatically divert my mind.
R- relevant Understanding any project, presentation, or scenario requires good listening skills. Additionally, communicating and decision-making, which play crucial role for a competent leader, depend on summarization.
T- time bound  By the end of the August 2023, I should be able to concentrate on any type of conversation without becoming side-tracked. To achieve this goal, I am practicing contemplation to strengthen my focus, putting my phone away, and developing curiosity about the subject.
Numerous organizational consequences, including those related to work performance, leadership, relationship quality, knowledge and attitudes at work, and well-being, are linked to and possibly caused by listening. Both the speaker and the listener benefit from listening, which includes salesperson-customer and supervisor-subordinate triads.  

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