Feel The Nespresso: The Limited Edition Mini-Espresso

After the tutorial session, I had to modify my aim, objectives, design problem, and Nespresso concept. Earlier, the Nespresso concept I described was a way vague term.
I had to specify the audience. However, after distilling the issue, there’s a clear picture of the Nespresso project. Creating a Nespresso Movable Inflatable Pods Event will only cater to the existing audience. Moreover, creating a tactile design embedded package will broaden the audience and cater to visually impaired people.

Why would Nespresso use Braille design as an accessibility tool for users in physical need? The answer I found was – Creating awareness will broaden the audience to access Nespresso and sell more products. (So, that is my aim for this project).

Earlier, I thought about coming up with – Made for Everyone Campaign. However, I feel this does not fit well for the specific audience, so I have modified it into – Feel the Nespresso.

The earlier objective was to get an immersive experience with Nespresso Inflatable pods and pledge to donate to RNIB.
The new objective is to get an immersive experience on World Sight Day to feel the Nespresso – the Mini-Espresso by glimpsing the Tactile work.

Why should we care? Why should Nespresso do that?
To reach a specific audience, I need to create awareness around accessibility that will broaden the audience and sell more Nespresso products effectively.

What’s my Design problem?
On the website, they have mentioned that they ensured the website is accessible to a particular audience. However, they haven’t noted – How to access a physical service when someone is in need and How to address this issue?

Where will take place?
On World Sight Day, get an immersive tactile experience with a Limited edition of Mini-Espresso at each Nespresso Boutique.