The CPD course on teamwork was a transformative experience, teaching the value of collaboration and effective communication. Working as a team improved presentation outcomes significantly, leveraging individual strengths to create a comprehensive and engaging presentation. The supportive atmosphere and cohesive coordination left a lasting impact on the audience. I now approach future presentations with confidence, understanding the power of synergy and shared goals. Embracing teamwork has enhanced professional skills and fostered meaningful connections within the team. Moving forward, I will actively seek opportunities for collaboration and encourage others to do the same, sharing my learnings to inspire their journeys.
To develop effective communication skills, my short-term action plan includes attending a CPD course, making new friends, and actively engaging in class discussions by asking questions.
CPD Course: Enroll in a relevant communication skills CPD course to learn techniques and strategies for clear and impactful communication. Networking: Actively participate in social events and group activities to expand my circle and practice interpersonal communication. Class Participation: Engage proactively in class discussions by consistently asking insightful questions and sharing ideas. To measure progress, I will evaluate increased confidence and clarity in expressing ideas during class interactions. Feedback from peers and instructors regarding the effectiveness of my communication will serve as a tangible indicator of improvement. Regular self-assessment will help track advancements, ensuring my short-term goal of enhanced communication skills is successfully achieved.
This reflective essay will adopt Rolfeās model of reflection.
This reflects on my experience in first semester in global health care management in Coventry university (CU), United Kingdom (UK).
Reflective practice is a form of thorough evaluation of practical thinking on the ground of skills and knowledge collected by personal reflections on their daily life experience or activities (Rolfes G 2014)
I moved from Nigeria to UK to study masters in global health care management in CU, I have always desired to progress in my management career.
My arrival was late, I had accommodation problem this destabilised me for weeks and made me lost interests in the master program. Furthermore, in the semester we had deadline for course work.
I had a prolong self-examination and I noticed i had poor time management skills and one of the feeds back from my course work tutor was for me to be more critical in analysing my coursework.
Given the above fact I developed good time management skills in three months by buying alarm watch and being conscious of time. In the aspect of critical thinking, I had sessions with my tutors and read journals to get good grades.
Strength = time management, team networking, work-life balance
Weakness=poor communication skills, flexibility, delegation of challenges
Opportunity= continuous learning, mentorship and development
Threats=External pressure from market dynamics, resistance to change
i have realized being an effective leader is an ongoing process of self improvement and recognizing my strength and addressing my weaknesses, and capitalize on opportunities while mitigating threats which will contribute to becoming a more impactful and successful leader.
A personal development plan is created to enhance skills, set goals and improve overall performance. my pdp is divided into 3 which is the short term goal, medium term goal and long term goal.
short term goal; to improve on my communication skills
Specific: Enroll in a CPD course focused on effective communication. Measurable: Gauge progress by actively participating in group discussions and seeking feedback. Attainable: Join relevant communication improvement groups to practice interaction. Realistic: Form new friendships and engage in conversations to broaden skills. Time-bound: i want to achieve this proficiency within 3 months, evident through improved feedback from friends, lecturer, and increased confidence in asking questions.
Medium term goal: To improve my presentation skills
Specific: Attend a presentation skills workshop to learn techniques. Measurable: Engage in team meetings to practice speaking and receive feedback. Attainable: Regularly participate in networking events for exposure. Realistic: Gradually enhance communication skills through group interactions. Time-bound: Within 6 months, demonstrate improvement through confident presentations, evaluated by team/lecturer feedback and presentation outcomes.
Long time goal: Efficient leader
Specific: Attend a presentation skills workshop to learn techniques. Measurable: Engage in team meetings to practice speaking and receive feedback. Attainable: Regularly participate in networking events for exposure. Realistic: Gradually enhance communication skills through group interactions. Time-bound: Within 6 months, demonstrate improvement through confident presentations, evaluated by team/lecturer feedback and presentation outcomes.
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