Development Narratives
Here you will find suggested development activities for a range of different academic (teaching focused) roles within the Coventry University Group.
You may find it helpful to use this resource as part of the cyclical process outlined in the Academic Development Reflection Tool.
Please note: This site is in a beta state. This means that things may appear, disappear, move, change or break and that all information is subject to change.
- If you have specific questions about your professional development– or any issues or feedback regarding this site- please use the contact us button at the bottom of the page.
- If you have specific questions about university policies or regulations, please search the Staff Portal for the relevant team.
To get started, pick your role or use the menu at the top of the page:
For each role, content is arranged into the six Academic Development Themes used in the Reflection Tool. The aim is to enable you to consider and prioritise your own development needs in accordance with these Themes.
We hope you find these pages useful in your development. The Academic Enhancement and Professional Development website has further information and support.