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Using Rolfe Reflective Model to self reflect on my journey so far in Coventry University

I came into the UK and quickly had my registration and right to study check but unfortunately I missed the first week of lectures but nevertheless, I joined immediately.

For the first 2 weeks, I was lost and trying to find my feet because everything was new to me. It was totally different from our method of learning from my country, coupled with the fact that our course works for all 3 modules were introduced immediately. And with the help of induction, lectures, seminars and resources that were made available by the school, I was able to settle in well and gradually started
working on my assignments. Owing to the fact that I began my course works early enough, though challenging, I was able to avoid rush and I submitted all before deadline.

Out of the 5 course works in first semester, I passed 4 and failed 1. Going forward, I plan to get all the help available that I can, which includes but not limited to; book and attend sessions with the librarian, Center for Academic Writing and also ensure I continue to ask questions when it is necessary until I am clarified