Welcome! This is my blogs and works experience within university as a Media and Communications student. I am exploring different creative industries and building experience within these different media industries. I am UK based and am developing my skills in order to gain more knowledge in both methodology, theory and production. My (uni) experience throughout the years
Projects that I have done/been involved in:
These are my main results to projects that I have previously worked on and developed skills in from building a website to producing a professional 9 episode podcast with an amazing team.
Main Behind the scenes of projects/ University Work
These were moments within this blog that I thought stood out so afr within my current experience within university and these are also categories that are within this blog website that each are part of different experiences within my university experience.
Learning skills and developing my experience for my future career.
“Just Because something works doesn’t mean it can’t be improved”
-Black Panther, Shuri.
This is where I will reflect on aspects of my university experience and what I have accomplished in my time during university. This will mainly involve in behind the scenes of projects, some works that i have done during different modules in university and reflecting on how my skills have improved. Along with this I will show each outcome for each project (the buttons above).
- Identities within Resident Evil Village
- My Parts of the Capitalism Essay
- My Reflection on the Group Capitalism Project
- Capitalism is Acknowledged Only on a Surface Level Group Essay
- Picture Essay

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