Narrative analysis is an in-depth study and examination of a plot or storyline of media product such as a film. Most media products have a story this applies to nearly every genre. Most medias have a storyline so that means that most have an outcome. This would mean that the there is a particular structure and tropes to appeal a specific target audience.
‘From the obviously narrative forms of horror films and television soap operas, to factual documentaries and unscripted reality television shows, and even the compressed storytelling found in 30-second advertisements or the interactive narrative form of videogames.’- Narrative, Jason Mittell.
Narrative analysis can be helpful when it comes to looking into fictional and non-fictional texts, as well as the narratives that we construct in media that seemingly have no inherent narrative at all for example social media.
Vladimir Propp is one of the main theorists for this method as he researched into the relationship between the narrative and characters. His research argues that stories within the media are more character driven and that plots from the media are developed from the different decisions, gestures and actions of characters along with how the characters within the story function.
Claude Levi-Strauss is another theorist that works with narrative. He was part of the structuralist and he was more interested in how we extract meaning from the narrative. He believed that these narratives have messages that can help us gain an understanding and learn about values, identity and social norms. He spoke about how oppositions in stories can relate to broader oppositions in culture.