The task that has been assigned to us this week is to choose one of the six creative industries to look further into for the first coursework within this module. As I had previously stated what I believe my dream future career could be and as this module is about future experiences I looked further into the industries to see what would fit best for a more storytelling media.
As I wanted to go into more storytelling type of media (such as creative media: animation/illustrative books to film/TV) I think going into either the: production-based industry or something similar would work best for the type of work that involves alot of storytelling elements. This will allow me to build a range of skills for the future; that helps get me to be able to understand and get more involved in the behind the scenes of production.
I would also gain the ability to know more about what storytelling elements that can go into production based industries and I believe that topic will have some inter-lapping elements to allow me to gain some experience across the board of storytelling medias and therefore I will be able to narrow the type of field I want to go into as a career.
I decided on production based through: looking into the other creative industries, through the lecture and along with this I have been interested in cinematography style storytelling as well.
I hope to be able to learn and expand my expertise within these lectures in order to gain experience and skills to help me in the future and to come together to create something interesting for the assignment.