
Film in general has so many aspects that I would find fascinating to look at especially when it comes to genres and the codes, conventions and tropes of the genres such as looking into films in different genres such as ‘on the basis of sex’ to films such as ‘the conjuring’ (thrillers and horror genres to Sci-fi or comedy to others), this aspect would be interesting to delve into more and look at some classic or famous films, or maybe even series, within specific genres and see what makes them attract an audience or aspects makes them successful and how well the film is at storytelling.


I think some of the aspects of film that would be interesting to look at would be international films, such as the Korean film Parasite, as international films often have different unique ways of creating films or portraying storys, characters and environments. This would be beneficial to look at due to international films having these interesting qualities and more of a range of diversity as films are made all around the world.


Another interesting topic to learn about would the evolution of a famous film company (such as Disney, Pixar, Netflix and so on) and how that specific company has changed and developed their films from old to new (such as analysing old films such as ‘Snow White’ to newer films like ‘Encanto’) an example of this would be ‘Cruella’ which is based around the character from ‘101 Dalmatians’. I believe that this would be a great chance to learn more about different types of film, along with how different cinema from different countries have different styles and impacts on a consumer.


The 4 main films from these suggestions that could be watched are: The Conjuring, On the Basis of Sex, Parasite and Cruella.