Individual reflection - 500 words on your group process/choices, rationale/context, and how your photos fit into the overarching narrative/theme and the individual contribution you made to support the group project outcomes.

A PDF Version: 280mapa reflection.pdf

The Reflection:

Within this project we had come up with a range of ideas that we could do for this project and investigated what would both challenge us and show off a unique outlook of what the essay will entail. So, with the artist statement we chose ‘Capitalism is acknowledged but only at a surface level’ and we chose this topic as its such a large subject that can be difficult to portray to those who don’t think about capitalism within their everyday lives. This allowed us to look at places and things around the city that would be connected to capitalism and take picture of the everyday shops, places and industries that work within this capitalist system.

As people are aware of capitalism but not how vast and impactful, we wanted to make our images to demonstrate places that normal people go to but have a caption that demonstrates how each of these play into roles of a capitalist society. I think we managed to communicate our ideas with one another and work towards this goal, we could have worked better when it came down to time management however due to the short amount of time we had as a group I think that we managed to communicate each how we would portray each step with one another efficiently.

Our group started off being unsure how we would tackle this project, however once we had come up with this theme, we communicated who in our team would portray which elements of the theme. The elements that I would portray would be industries and places that include the theme. This would link as they are all tied to Capitalism within our everyday lives. With the five photos I took I managed to capture environments and landscapes of parts of the city that have been built around capitalism and I connected them all together through the use of the caption which explains how these building have either used capitalism within their company or gained profit from it. Along with this we split the artist statement essay into five so we would each have to write about it and put out a reference which was an effective idea in working with each other by continue an essay from one person to the next. Despite some moments where we didn’t communicate enough, I believe we manged to show off a successful photo essay. However, if we were to do this again, I think we could narrow the theme down further and maybe make more of a story narrative or creative native with the images. The main improvement that I would make when doing this project would be to try and make the overall images link more as without the captions to link them, they would not have a clear enough link.

 The overall photo essay was a completely different style of essay to what I’ve done before, and even though they’re aspects that could be improved, I think that we managed to create some successful images for the essay.