Reflection and Overview:
Reflection of the MCPodcast:
Reflecting on my time during MCP I started of choosing to be a producer as production is a major role within making the podcast and I wanted a role that I’d be passionate about but that would still challenge me and my skills.
So, when it comes my experience in being part of the creation process of the final podcast, I worked closely alongside the production team and learned how the use all the equipment and I ended up taking on multiple roles of being a manager for the production team so that everyone was aware that they knew what they were doing and how to do their roles.
Within the MCP podcast I took charge of around 4 different podcasts as the main producer, and I assisted in another 3 podcasts alongside other producers. During this I made sure the recordings were set up appropriately, made the sure our other producer set up the cameras and made sure that everything went as smoothly as it could within the production roles. Along with this I tried to present ideas of how we could produce the podcast and where the guest could sit/be when filming which ended up being a necessary part for preparing for how the guest will be presented within the podcast. I organised several meetings, both within the production team and with other teams within MCP and wrote notes for the meetings.
This entire experience was a massive learning experience for me as I have never worked in radio production before. It gave me an outlook of how much goes on behind making a successful podcast and the importance of working with other crew members outside of production is.
My skills developed more throughout my time using the equipment as I started to notice the mistakes that I made, especially during the actual sessions and I made sure these mistakes were not repeated by me or other members of my team. This also allowed me to develop more of an understanding of how all of the equipment that we used and helped me develop more leadership and managerial skills that I did not previously have.
I believe as a production member we achieved all of our objectives and more. We produced all ten podcasts professionally and our team edited all of the episodes to give to the PR to produce. The project was successful as we managed to gain experience within this field, get ten successful guests and have the podcast be promoted and viewed by a range of people. The main thing that could have been improved would be that we all should have had constant communication with other crew members and maybe have managers of each team that could have met more to exchange more information with one another so that each team would know what they would want from one another.
I think the entire project could’ve benefited more with communication, time management and organization this is due to the fact that in the week running up to the actual recording and the week before publishing I felt almost rushed and chaotic in trying to get things set up or finished. This could have been avoided if we were more prepared and if we communicated to one another more. The main thing that production could have benefit from would be going through the main aspects of the equipment before the recording so that we were completely prepared. However, reflecting on the entire podcast I believe that despite there being moments that could have been greatly improved upon that ending result was a success and we managed to pull of this massive project that most of us previously had no skills in.
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