Hi! My name is Freya, I also go by Rey. My pronouns are: they/them/he/him/she/her (any pronouns work).

I am currently a 2q year old nonbinary University student studying Media and Communication (BA) at Coventry University full time. I am learning and expanding different skills within the media industries to hopefully someday gain a career with a media storytelling industry.

I enjoy studying film, tv and animation. Along with this I am studying module courses on Adobe both within university doing Adobe Illustration as well as Photoshop and also teaching myself other adobe software’s using LinkedIn Learning. Some of these courses involve learning the basics of digital animation, delving into learning more about traditional and digital art (as I did those within sixth form and wanted to continue something artist like), how to use adobe after-effects and many more. This website will show my development in those skills as well as the opportunities and experiences I gain doing my course.

An image of me from an old photoshoot ^

Join me on my progressing journey developing my interests and skills within the media industry and finding out which aspects of media I want to explore more experiences in and which ones I want to stick to just have the one time experience in or just having basic knowledge of.

This website is my journey into developing different skills within media and also expanding my knowledge of different aspects of media. As this website demonstrates my experience within university through a series of written blogs, projects, works and audios for different modules along with several links to projects that i have worked on within university and outside of university.

As I enjoy aspects of storytelling media I would like to develop more skills within these areas such as film/cinematography, production, photography, art, cosplay and animation either within my time at university or in my own time.

I will also show my assignments and essays and analysis’s throughout university and reflect on each one from my time at university.

([Copyright] Credit to any artist/photos/images used within this website to the given creator/source – i will link every Youtube video or media source as a caption underneath each given media text)

I hope you enjoy reading and experiencing part of my university experience along side me.