My University Experience, Practice, Works and Portfolios

Category: Building and Creating My Portfolio

Planning for Professional Experience

Reflection on the Portfolio

201MAPA - Planning for Professional Experience

Creating this portfolio was a challenging and time-consuming process and each section had me exploring aspects that I had previously not thought much about. This ended up being a difficult process as I had to experiment and research into different aspects of making an effective CV as well as other employability aspects such as placements. When going through this I really had to evaluate my professional experience and how I wanted to present each aspect of my experience. I did this by creating a website for my portfolio that goes through each of my experiences, how they were created and why I presented or included each section.

This was difficult to do as I started this project a lot later than I really should have which ended up making this massive project a lot more difficult than it needed to be, this was purely due to my time management skills and if I was to do this project again I would consider how much needed to be done and how much time would need to go into each section, by doing this I would be able to be more organised and therefore I would have better time management skills to be able to complete this portfolio to a better standard.

When doing this portfolio, I focused on different sections and the process behind each one. These included: researching placements, further engagements, examples of other work, creating a CV and Cover Letter, employer exchanges, creating a network map, SWOT analysis and skills audit as well as building the actual website. Each section of these had their own difficulties and I believe if I were to improve upon them, as a collective, I would make each of the posts on the website look more visually appealing by either adding more of a captivating look to them by how I presented the images or by creating/producing more images to go alone sides some of the posts.

Within this project I managed to show an understanding of the main employability skills and present them in a way that demonstrates them all in a clear, detailed, and efficient way and I have gained more experience when it comes to website building and how each set of presenting a website must be developed to draw in a viewer.

One of the main aspects that I would like to work on would be producing more innovated images to captivate the consumer and try to take more time to enhance my skills and look more into further engagements to accomplish this. I believe that even though this portfolio effectively shows the main aspects that were necessary for a viewer or even an employer to see, that this overall website has a lot of work that needs to still be done to make it more effective in presenting my skills. However, despite this I need to keep gaining skills, knowledge and experience using this software to be able to present a more effective and engaging portfolio in the future.

Placement and Reflection

Protected: Examples of Work and Reflection

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Planning My SWOT analysis & Skills Audit

Skills Audit:

Creating My Network Map

this is the first draft

Protected: Writing My Cover Letter

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Protected: Building my Cv

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