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Post-digital Nations: Systems and Networks Podcast

280mapa – Podcast for Cultural Geographies within Encanto


Post Digital Cultural Geography in Encanto Podcast.m4a

Podcast Script:

[Hello and Welcome to the Post Digital Nations: Systems and Networks Podcast. Here I discuss and analyse different theories and concepts within the world of media’s post digital era. Where I am your host Freya and today, we will be diving into the fascinating concept of cultural geographies and identities within the highly popularised and beloved animated Disney film: Encanto.]

To introduce Encanto we are shown a Columbian family that are magical and struggling to keep their household together, so this film takes the audience on an experience of how the family cope with change and their flaws to end up coming together. Disney does an unbelievably great job of representing the culture of Columbia in a way that shines a positive light on a country that is often stereotyped as violent and instead shows the country as what it is, which is a beautiful landscape. Disney demonstrates and represents this family in a colourful and bright way that gives the film this classic whimsy Disney aspect to it but within this still shows respectfulness in representing such a gorgeous and extensive culture.  

Cultural geography can be a highly important subject when it comes to very human experiences involving identity, culture and interactions that we experience as human beings due to the place that we are in and travel too.  Cultural geography is made up of space, place and landscapes. The theory consists of meanings within spaces to create places and therefore creates a range of different cultures which are composed of these everyday interactions and meanings within these specific places. This involves human geography, which is how people have a relationship with places and human interactions with the environment which can be comprised of health, community, identities, meanings and the idea that ‘place can be central to forms of struggle and resistance too’ (Cresswell 2014). 

So, when we as people take these concepts into account it can apply heavily to our lives and history. This can be applied to films and media texts as well, due to the fact that there are a range of different identities, cultures and places represented within media and Disney’s Encanto is one of these many media texts that demonstrate the advantage of cultural representation within the media industry.  

Encanto shows a representation of Columbian culture and based on how a range people’s identities are built around this vast culture within Columbia. So, if we look at Columbia as the place, and more specifically at the house in which the family live in ‘Casa Madrigal’ as this house that has almost become a member of the family despite it not being a living breathing person and within the film is held as a major part of family and this space is created with deep rooted meaning of family and importance.   

Looking at the main theorists behind cultural geography Cresswell defines place as ‘spaces that people have made meaningful or have attached to in some way’ which is one of the major aspects of the film Encanto as the Madrigal family has created deep meanings and traditions using their magical home and shows the idea that within Columbia’s culture, they tend to have a very strong attachment to their childhood home and this therefore has follows the cultural traditions set within a particular place.  

Other theorists such as Andrew Jones look at how identities and people can change when put into different and diverse cultures and spaces, Jones theorised that, ‘how things exist in space, how features of the social world change across spaces and the difference that places make to the nature of human existence.’ (Jones, 2012) which can be shown when you compare the family within Encanto with other famous families, especially from other Disney shows such as the film Brave’s family or Rivera family from Coco and both of these different diverse families both have a completely different dynamic and lifestyle to that of the Madrigal family which demonstrates that completely different places can have such a vast difference in identities due to their cultures and how these places and landscapes could affect one’s life experiences and interactions.  

Along, with this Andrew Jones when talking about Human Geography gave across the idea that landscapes and culture are concepts that ‘exist in a world outside of human meaning’ (Jones, 2012) which suggests that even through the landscape of this film played a huge role in creating and inspiring the film, this landscape can and does exist without human meaning.  

Encanto shows us, as an audience, a positive and beautiful representation of this culture, along with the identities that are within this place. They show how the different family members have different expectations, flaws and interactions with each other that make up what we see as each character’s experience within their environment and their family, and within this film they enhance this by making the place, the Casita, react and have some form of a personality around the family. The house is such a major part of the film and has rooms that represented each family members personality and identity.  

The Columbian culture and identities using clothing, food, the village community, decorations, actors/actresses involved within making up this film and demonstrating how these identities play a part into creating this loveable and entertaining film. These aspects link extremely to the concept of identity, culture and how our identity is affected by and made up by the place we are in. 

With the fact that Encanto became such a massive film within the past year it has made massive strides in showing a representation of the Columbian culture and creating these adored characters that people can watch and see more characters that look like them or have grown up in similar situations than them, such as: with a big family, generational trauma or even just having one character that personally can connect with a range of different audiences. The film gained high amount of traction with both its fantastic cast and remarkable soundtrack with “We don’t talk about Bruno” over taking Disney’s frozen as No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and the fact that the film also got nominated for the Oscars in two categories. Which demonstrates that not only did Disney do a successful job at creating such a meaningful and grand film but they also successfully, in a positive way, a represented of culture as well as a range of identities that are often either highly unrepresented or often represented in a negative light.     

When we look at ‘cultural geographies, we argue, also link such ideas and imaginations with our changing material world’ (Atkinson, D, Jackson, P, Sibley, D & Washbourne, N. 2005) which means that a lot of what we do with our identity and with the culture we have been in could affect the place we are in today and how we view particular things within our everyday life interactions, such as: what media we consume, how we interact with those around us and most likely who we end up creating relationships with.  

So, does Encanto influence people’s views and ideologies towards the culture of Columbia in a positive way? This honestly is a step into creating more positive representation within media and especially within media that is very often consumed by such a mass audience. Which I believe makes Encanto a great film for both representing culture and for demonstrating the idea of both an audience and a family making so much meaning out of a place. This could also be linked to other themes such as digital geographies and media ecology as well due to the film demonstrating the idea of getting a positive message across to an audience and having mass amount of success due to the use of social media and contributing towards the ‘message is the medium’ (McLuhan, 1962).  

[So, to wrap up and conclude this podcast] Encanto has made great represented in the idea of space, landscape and place in unique ways and has enriched their audience with wonderful cultural landscapes and representations of a real Columbian culture experience, that is also rich with a beautiful setting and scenery. The film has captivated its audience through this rich and full storyline and culture. This created a brightly positive amount of representation of a range of identities and demonstrates many of these cultural geography concepts in a range of different ways, so I would recommend this for any audience that has yet to see this film as it is enriched with a fun cast of characters with Columbian voice actors and has an enjoyable plot for a range of different target audiences to appreciate. [Thank you so much for joining this and listening into this podcast.]


Atkinson, D., Jackson, P., Sibley, D., & Washbourne, N. (2005). Cultural Geography. I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd. 

Caulfield, K. (2022). ‘Encanto’ Soundtrack Has Most Weeks at No. 1 in Nearly a Year on Billboard 200. Billboard. 

Cresswell, T. (2014a). Defining Place in Place. ProQuest Ebook Central. 

Jones, A. (2012). Human Geography: The Basics. ProQuest Ebook Central,. 

Mead, G. H. (1934). Mind, Self, and Society. The University of Chicago Press. 

McLuhan, M. (1964). The Medium is the Message. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man.  

Wahl, S., & Scholl, J. (2014). Culture and Identity. Kendall Hunt Publishing. 

Weigert, A. J. (1986). Society and Identity. Cambridge Core. 

Word Doc Version:

Cultural Geographies and Identities within Encanto (1).docx


Cultural Geographies and Identities within Encanto.pdf

Digital Geography

Digital Geography is the study of digitalised geography through the media. This theme looks at how media and mobility are used in everyday life and can be made up of three different concepts which are:

Geographies produced through the digital this is the idea that using a digital tools to produce and share a range of geography research. The use of digital technologies in the production and understanding of space in everyday life is examined in geographies produced by the digital. With using geography methods to make sense of the digital and post-digital world would be how geographies produced of the digital would studied.

Digital geography is also involved with the idea of the mobility side of geography as well. This involves how the world has become more highly digitalised and therefore mobilised. Everyone with a technological device can simply travel anywhere, can technically traced where ever they go and can research, and witness cultures from other countries using the their device.

Globalisation is a major part of digital geography as it brings movement of human, goods and cultural conventions. This could be done using technologies, often networks have some form of maps such as Google maps that can allow the user to experience a virtual world and seeing the virtual scenery, this is also enhanced using 3D imagery to create scaling.

Hybridity, which brings shared meanings, takes a role within a lot of different places within the world, within their cultures, identities and even languages.

McDonaldisation doesn’t not really allow a person to experience the culture of another country and gives this idea that you have the ability to not change anything or effect anything, including environments, even if you travel.

The idea of digital geography has many different concepts and one of the main ones is Mediascapes. Mediascapes makes up a large portion of digital geography as it is the representation of space and place in terms of media. This allows consumers to connect with different spaces and places using media such as people can virtually visit other countries and their cities like South Korea’s Seoul or Paris the capital of France.

This can allow people to try and experience places without traveling to these places and having the ability to not change anything. However, it could most likely end up giving them a completely different experience to those who go to a country and place to experience these different cultures or to the people that actually live there and have created deep attached meanings to the location.

A street view, a digital geography, within Japan –

Users of digital technologies are subject to, and participants in creating, innumerable digital changes, while corporations continue to render devices and software obsolete to increase profits, and governments are slowly becoming involved in regulating the digital.

(McLean, J. 2020)

A digitalised version of the Earth –

Mobility combines physical movement, representations that give meaning, and the experience that embodies mobile practices.

There is the idea that within this almost digital world and with a lot of the current world issues, such as the pandemic, we are starting to depend more on aspects of digital geographies to experience some of the cultural geographies that we are missing out on. An example of this would be going to see a movie that had a lot of culture within it or researching and looking into other cultures or places to see what the location is like such as using Google Maps to look at other locations.

Technology has created a range of ways to try and experience a place and space without actually being there and they have done this using a range of different technologies from mapping out the streets to digital satellites taking photos of the Earth. ‘Digital technologies are providing new opportunities for communication and connection, while simultaneously deepening problems associated with isolation, global inequity and environmental harm, contributing to shifting digital geographies’ (McLean, J. 2020), McLean suggests that despite technology advancing and being a positive change it increases the chances of isolation and less communication within peoples everyday interactions and life in general.

Place appears to involve some notion of stability
and permanence while mobility appears to necessitate constant change and process.

(Cresswell. 2014)


Cresswell, T. (2014). Place in a Mobile World. Cresswell, Tim. Place : An Introduction.

McLean, J. (2020). Changing Digital Geographies. Changing Digital Geographies: Environments, Technologies and People.

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