

Kindly understand that some medicines are NOT always found In Pharmacies.You need to digest these:I. Exercise is Medicine.ii. Fasting is Medicine.iii. Natural food is Medicine.iv. Laughter is Medicine.v. Vegetables Are Sleep is Medicine.vii. Sunlight is Medicine.viii. Loving someone is… Continue Reading →

Post MSc. Planning and mapping

I’m eager to start a transformational journey with the MSC in Global Healthcare Management programme. I’m excited to start studying a thorough programme that combines management and healthcare knowledge as the world faces more complicated health concerns. This programme promises… Continue Reading →


I’m thrilled about embarking on the MSC in Global Healthcare Management program, which offers a comprehensive blend of management and healthcare expertise. This program holds the potential to equip me with the necessary skills to effect meaningful changes in healthcare… Continue Reading →


To achieve goals and keep track of personal growth, personal development is a process that helps to enhance knowledge, abilities, and experience. A clear plan can also enhance mental health, increase satisfaction, keep you moving on the correct path, and… Continue Reading →

Needed CPDs……

SWOT analysis is a technique developed at (Stanford in 1970), frequently used in strategic planning. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  After a SWOT Analysis of self and the real world to Identifying needed Continues Professional Development skills, the following  CPDs… Continue Reading →

My Group Members of 7139SOH

The team members in the 7139SOH module are dedicated, caring, and supportive individuals. My personal experience with group assignments and presentations has underscored the value of collaborating with peers, bringing diverse perspectives and skills to the forefront. Working together allows… Continue Reading →

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Enhanced Critical Thinking: Completion of the Critical Thinking course has strengthened the ability to analyze information objectively, identify biases, and make more informed decisions. Improved Time Management: Through the Time Management course, better organizational skills were acquired, leading to… Continue Reading →

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the process of analyzing, evaluating, and reasoning about information and situations to make informed and well-founded decisions. Through the course I gain so many critical thinking skills.

Problem Solving Skills Across An Organization

The “Problem Solving Across an Organization” course brought transformative benefits to my professional and personal life, enhancing my problem-solving skills, communication, and leadership abilities.

Speaking Confidently and Effectively

The course “Speaking Confidently and Effectively” in my personal development planning (PDP) offered a wide range of benefits to improve my skills and achieve goals like Improved self-confidence and Enhanced communication skills.

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