To achieve goals and keep track of personal growth, personal development is a process that helps to enhance knowledge, abilities, and experience. A clear plan can also enhance mental health, increase satisfaction, keep you moving on the correct path, and give you a sense of accomplishment. These are all things that can significantly improve mental wellness (Martinelli,2023). PDP helps to identify my strengths and weaknesses by using SWOT analysis. I can design a personal development plan that incorporates short, medium, and long-term SMART goals (Rachel et al.,2009) which helps to become an effective leader. My short-term objective is to improve the skill of time management, my medium-term goal is to develop my leadership management skills, and my long-term goal is to become a leadership position such as manager within the organization. Achieving these goals would assist me to become an excellent leader who can handle any challenging situations in the future.


To improve time management skills

  S- specific  I could improve my time management abilities so that I can avoid distractions, work more efficiently, and regularly fulfill deadlines.
  M-measurable  Reach at least 80% of tasks and assignments by the deadlines allotted, and decrease the number of times deadlines are missed. To keep track of time passing, I would also make a timeline.
  A-attainable  Use productivity tools like time tracker and toggl track to efficiently manage time and effort. Other successful time management tactics and strategies, including prioritizing tasks, making a daily agenda, and prioritizing activities, will help to improve my time management.
  R- relevant  Improving time management abilities is essential for both personal and professional success as it promotes effective job completion, lowers stress, increases productivity overall, and improves work-life balance, all of which lead to becoming a strong healthcare leader.
  T-time bound  I will complete the daily tasks, projects, and routines within three months to become an effective leader in the healthcare industry.


Develop my leadership and management skills.

  S- specific  To effectively motivate a team to accomplish organizational goals, develop my leadership and management skills.
  M-measurable  Increased performance in leadership skills, such as teamwork, decision-making, and communication, as determined by monthly performance reviews and comments from my team members and managers.
  A-attainable  Attending leadership development programs, taking part in group projects, looking for mentorship from experienced leaders, and requesting resources to learn and put into practice crucial leadership management abilities
  R- relevant  It makes it possible to lead and inspire people, make wise judgments, and promote improvement within the company.
  T-time bound  By the end of the second semester, I should be able to track team projects, interactions, and daily work activities, showing improvement in my leadership skills.


To obtain a leadership position within the organization

  S- specific  To participate in strategic decision-making, manage teams, and promote the accomplishment of organizational objectives, get a leadership position inside the organization, such as a manager or director role.
  M-measurable  Submit applications for at least three leadership positions both inside and outside the company, highlighting your suitability for the role with the needed qualities, abilities, and accomplishments.
  A-attainable  By taking part in leadership development programs, looking for mentorship from established leaders, and actively assuming leadership roles or project leadership within the present role.
  R- relevant  I can have a bigger effect within the company by rising to the position of manager, which also offers the chance to use and hone leadership abilities while advancing the company’s success.
  T-time bound  I will accomplish the goal within a year of receiving my master’s degree with the use of a detailed schedule of tasks that includes completing job applications and attending interviews.

It is concluded that planning to do PDP during the master`s course will pave the way to becoming a successful leader in the future.


Martinelli, K. (2023). A Personal Development Plan (PDP) Guide & Template.