One of the simplest models is Rolfe`s reflective model, which describes three questions: what, so what, and now what. (Rolfe et al.,2001)


My life’s greatest aspiration is to pursue higher education in the UK. I looked into numerous courses and universities for this. Finally, I determined that the MSc in Global healthcare management program was the greatest option for my future, and I also decided on Coventry University, one of the top-ranked universities in the United Kingdom. I knew when I got here that the educational system here was completely different from the one in my native country.


I am nervous and afraid that I won’t be able to understand the material throughout the first semester. I also have trouble managing my time. When I was able to access future learning after two weeks, I learned that the educational system in the UK was quite straightforward and that I could access the library and content from My time management skills have improved as a result of the coursework lectures, which make it much easier for me to complete assessments and do coursework before the due date.


The lecturers provided appropriate feedback once I turned in my coursework. I’ve learned more about how much I can enhance my writing from this, and I also know where to include precise citations. From this input, I was able to identify my areas of strength such as learning skills and weaknesses, which will help me submit my coursework more effectively in the future.


Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D. and Jasper, M. (2001). Critical reflection in nursing and the helping professions: a user’s guide. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.