Employment Experience
Over the past three years, I have gained valuable work experience at a Cafe, where I started as a general assistant and worked my way up to the role of supervisor. This experience has helped me develop a wide range of skills, including customer service, team leadership and time management. Working in hospitality has added to my ability to give care and support to members of the community. My role at the cafe has deepened my sense of empathy and attentiveness, ensuring all customers feel valued and well cared for. I enjoy engaging with the public, meeting new people, and fostering positive relationships with both customers and colleagues.

Volunteering / Work Experience
As part of my volunteering work, I had the opportunity to assist a group of students studying film directing in producing a powerful documentary called ‘Piece of Mind’, which explored the topic of mental health through the lens of my personal experiences. The documentary shed light on my battles with mental health and suicidal thoughts, as well as my journey to recovery. My motivation for volunteering in this project was one of thankfulness for the strong support system I had during my lowest times; therefore, I wanted to share my story to help others who may go through similar experiences. Working on this documentary I hoped to bring more awareness to the importance of mental health and remind those who are struggling know they are not alone and that help is always available. This project allowed me to work on something meaningful and support a cause close to my heart, which solidified for me the power of shared stories and support in overcoming adversity. The documentary was then submitted to a film festival and with the creator’s hard work achieved first place.

As part of my secondary school education, I also got the opportunity to complete a week-long work experience at a local primary school. The experience entailed helping teachers in classroom activities, supporting students in their learning and handling daily tasks such as organising materials and supervising playground activities. Working in the education setting allowed me to improve my skills in communication and leadership, as I learnt to explain concepts and offer guidance in a way that was both accessible and engaging. This experience also helped me understand the challenges and rewards of teaching (an employment option I have always been interested in) as well as the importance of patience, empathy and flexibility. It further sparked my passion for roles that involve helping others.