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Month: December 2022

##my 1st semister swot## SWOT is an important tool for personal evaluation to understand the critical factors influencing success to guide effective decision-making. Understanding the person’s abilities is critical, which then highlights their strongholds and their role in influencing success. However, it also helps to identify the shortcomings, their impact, and opportunities for further development, which then guides further development. It also identifies the threats to personal achievements, which then guides the development of mitigation measures (Pluchevskaya, 2017). A personal SWOT is necessary each time one is making a critical decision to enable them to understand their situation.

Pluchevckaya, E. V., Varlacheva, N. V., & Andrienko, O. V. (2017). SWOT-Analysis as a tool to achieve a state of personal well-being. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). Vol. 19: Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2016).—Nicosia, 2017., 192016, 548-553. http://dx.doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2017.01.74

Strengths Personal commitment and dedication to learning and building my expertise.Effective skills in different types of research, which will help me to explore, acquire, synthesize, and apply information to build my expertise.Ability to relate and socialize with others, which helps me seek support and guidance whenever needed.Sufficient healthcare practice expertise from my undergraduate training, providing the foundation for advanced MSc training.Weaknesses Inadequate verbal communication skills.Fear of public speaking hampers my participation, engagement and benefits.Uncertainties and fears regarding the choice of healthcare leadership specialty and the prospects it offers.
Opportunities Extensive support from the university, faculty, and peers will help me to optimize my studies.Availability of numerous learning resources, which will support my studies.Availability of continuous personal development programs that I can undertake to build my knowledge and expertise.Threats Culture shock and struggles of living and learning in a new country.Educational and general life challenges, which could hamper my learning.Unforeseen personal and external events that could hamper learning.

A personal development plan is a written record of self-evaluation and improvements, which helps you achieve academic, personal or career goals.

Personal Development Plan

            PDP is an important tool for career planning that identifies the target career objectives and the skills needed to achieve them to acquire them. Hence, it is a critical tool for creating a plan for improving skills to aid in achieving short, mid, and long-term career goals. It is important for career development to ensure a guided process of goal setting and implementation to secure effectiveness (Vandeford et al., 2018). Since it is a long-term planning tool, it is critical to review it every time a critical milestone is achieved to ensure adherence to the plan and its effectiveness in guiding the appropriate career progression.

Vanderford, N. L., Evans, T. M., Weiss, L. T., Bira, L., & Beltran-Gastelum, J. (2018). Use and effectiveness of the individual development plan among postdoctoral researchers: Findings from a cross-sectional study. F1000Research7, 1132. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.15610.2

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