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Month: March 2023

##A personal SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate your career goals. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It considers all factors, whether positive, negative, external or internal. Internal factors are elements you bring to the analysis, such as strengths and weaknesses. #MySWOT-2nd semister##

Strengths Effective listening and speaking skills to optimize information exchange.Competence in leadership styles and models for effective application to transform healthcare.Better understanding of factors that affect healthcare to support effective decision-making.Critical thinking and strategic decision-making competence to support solutions development.Skills in interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork to optimize healthcare delivery.Competence in the application of healthcare technology to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.Weaknesses Inadequate development of critical leadership skills such as people management, engagement, collaboration, and conflict management could hamper practice at the top level.Lack of advanced healthcare technology competence will also hamper their identification and utilization to optimize healthcare delivery.Deficiencies in planning and setting goals and schedules, which will hamper handling of complex activities in my expanded role.
Opportunities Availability of continuous development opportunities to further improve my healthcare expertise.Gaining practice experience and competence for better understanding.Undergoing mentorship and expert guidance to build my expertise.Development of further healthcare technology literacy to enhance their utilization to improve practice.Threats Complex health crises like the Covid-19 pandemic, cancer, and geriatric complications could overwhelm even the best expert and complicate healthcare delivery.Rapid healthcare technology evolution, which requires keeping up with the trend or risk being ineffective.Challenges collaborating with others leading to conflicts and disruption of performance.

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