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Month: April 2023

Leadershipstyles#models The leadership styles and models training was also vital to help me understand the critical approaches that have proven effective in healthcare. Various leadership styles and models have proven effective in different situations, making it critical to understand them for effective deployment. For example, transformational leadership leads to high care effectiveness, and reduced adverse effects such as patient mortality, while relational leadership leads to higher patient satisfaction (Sfantou et al., 2017). Hence, the training was critical in supporting my ability to apply the gained leadership competencies.Leadershipstyles#models

#TimeManagement#work-lifebalance#           Time management will be a critical skill for me as a leader to help me manage the diverse responsibilities I acquire and achieve the target goals. It is important that I can optimally plan my duties to maximize performance, a skill that I currently lack. More critically, I must have relevant skills such as planning, goal setting, decision-making, delegation, monitoring, and work-life balance, which the training helped me build (Farrell, 2017). Hence, the training is vital for my preparedness for the forthcoming role after graduation.#TimeManagement#work-lifebalance#

Time management will be a critical skill for me as a leader to help me manage the diverse responsibilities I acquire and achieve the target goals. It is important that I can optimally plan my duties to maximize performance, a skill that I currently lack. More critically, I must have relevant skills such as planning, goal setting, decision-making, delegation, monitoring, and work-life balance, which the training helped me build (Farrell, 2017). Hence, the training is vital for my preparedness for the forthcoming role after graduation.

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