Short-term goal: To increase my leadership capacities 

S- specificTo let leadership attributes be enhanced and help me achieve a higher and more significant crescent for success through the programs of project implementation as leadership promotes harmonious workplace relationships and develops passion (Hao, He & Long, 2018)
M- measurableTo measure the goal set by both qualitative measurement and quantitative measurement framework collecting the secondary data in both of the cases by a medium of digital or physical visitation medium
A- attainableTo accomplish the set objective by a method of working as an intern in any firm and observing the leadership and management structure over time
R- RelevantTo include those steps in leadership achievement that are relevant and are not adding to the cost of learning more leadership attributes
T- time-boundTo create an implicative timing force and have an attainable deadline which may be achieved by maintaining the leadership training by 30 Dec 2022
I have described the leadership journey aims and the outline of achieving the aims through the SMART objective framework, and now I may intend to have a more detailed discussion on the same regarding several dimensions of my acting out as a successful leader. It is occasionally reflected in the leadership attributes that self-awareness being high makes a leader much more aware, and has a strong personality regarding the achievement of any goal (Goleman, 2018). Leadership attributes in me may be enhanced if I follow my outline of working in a distinctive and cooperative environment, along with people to challenge myself. In the modern world, I have noticed that I need to assimilate in myself all the technological capabilities and have an optimum follow-up of the necessary digital skills that are required for the upgradation of my character. According to a research paper, it has been shown that the advanced types of projects that have a specific digital need will be successful only with the inclusion of a digital leader, and in the age of Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligent has been replacing all such digital leadership capacities (Brock & Von, 2019). Choosing the actual leadership becomes difficult and entirely challenging if I do not have any guidelines or I have not observed any other leadership prevalence, that is the reason why I have set the Attainable goal of observing real-life leadership in action. Different factors influence the way a leader may act under specific circumstances and there are multiple variables as research study remarks which make the choice of a suitable and enigmatic leader difficult (Tannenbaum & Schmidt, 2017). In the modern world, strategic leadership is much needed as discussed by research papers, and thus it is quite outspoken that leadership characteristics need to include a strong strategic outline (Groysberg et al., 2018). I have found that my being a leader that has a strategic direction in the healthcare industry will require me to be competent enough and capable to have insights into the modern world, for which my Specific objective is to enhance the score of my leadership characteristic. Additionally, I may say that the possible traits as per my literature stand out to be non-linear, having multiple characteristics and including various important cognitive competencies which most people do not have, or do not develop (Zaccaro Dubrow, & Kolze, 2018). I feel that the people whom I should involve while setting the goal will have the professors who have tried me during my classroom lectures, my peers of mine, my elder brother and my mentor in this, as being an outstanding leader requires the guidance of various people that have been part of the changing world from a long time. In addition to that, I think that I may try to accomplish the first step of adding a small team under a challenging circumstance, as a leader sees an opportunity in the challenge by a strategy of staying optimistic. Issues of communication, non-verbal communication being poor, and no collaboration skill makes me an incompetent leader, which I have remarked on and have given my rescind thought. If the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of different nations are observed, it will be seen that there is a monotonic presence of the characteristics of the skills being a part of the leader and also, it had been concluded that these traits are not singular to determine leadership (Adams, Keloharju & Knüpfer, 2017).

Adams, R., Keloharju, M., & Knüpfer, S. (2018). Are CEOs born leaders? Lessons from traits of a million individuals. Journal of Financial Economics, 130(2), 392-408.

Brock, J. K. U., & Von Wangenheim, F. (2019). Demystifying AI: What digital transformation leaders can teach you about realistic artificial intelligence. California Management Review, 61(4), 110-134.
Goleman, D. (2018). What makes a leader?. In Military Leadership (pp. 39-52). Routledge.
Groysberg, B., Lee, J., Price, J., & Cheng, J. (2018). The leader’s guide to corporate culture. Harvard business review, 96(1), 44-52.
Hao, P., He, W., & Long, L. R. (2018). Why and when empowering leadership has different effects on employee work performance: The pivotal roles of passion for work and role breadth self-efficacy. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 25(1), 85-100.

Tannenbaum, R., & Schmidt, W. H. (2017). How to choose a leadership pattern. In Leadership perspectives (pp. 75-84). Routledge.

Zaccaro, S. J., Dubrow, S., & Kolze, M. (2018). Leader traits and attributes.