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Month: July 2023

Critical thinking will also be a vital competence for me as a leader to help me explore issues in depth and not take them at face value to ensure competence and effectiveness. The skill will help me adopt a broader approach to issues by exploring all the factors that could affect them to make effective decisions and design the best solutions in full comprehension of their impact (Noel et al., 2017). Critical thinking is a continuously developing skill; hence, there is always room for improvement. #CriticalThinking#buildsConfidence#

S.M.A.R.T. is a mnemonic acronym, giving criteria to guide in the setting of goals and objectives that are assumed to give better results, for example in project management, employee-performance management and personal development.  ## these are my SMART GOALS##

SpecificTo transition to healthcare leadership position within two years of graduating with MSc.
MeasurableAcquiring new roles and responsibilities in current practice in clinical pharmacy based on my new qualifications.Securing a leadership or management position at any level.
AccountableMy current boss and mentor challenged, encouraged and supported me to pursue the MSc, and hence, I will use his guidance to transition to the next level.
ReachableI will continue with my current position as a clinical pharmacist, which is guaranteed.I will seek for additional responsibilities within my current position, which is easier to get.I will apply for managerial and leadership positions in the current organization and others.I hope to transition to managerial/leadership roles in two years.
Time SpecificI hope to achieve my goal of securing a managerial/leadership role in two years.

A career action plan lists your professional goals and the steps to achieve them. Your career plan will help you make smart decisions as you prepare for the real world—from activities and clubs to join to internships and jobs for you to pursue. ##My Action Plan after my Msc##

After the MSc, I plan to return to clinical pharmacist practice to continue building my practice experience and qualifications for more advanced roles. However, I will continually explore the industry for other opportunities I qualify for with my new qualifications to explore and apply. Hence, I will pursue opportunities as they become available and I qualify for them.

A personal SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate your career goals. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It considers all factors, whether positive, negative, external or internal. Internal factors are elements you bring to the analysis, such as strengths and weaknesses. ## 3rd semister swot##

Strengths Extensive research of relevant healthcare leadership issues to build competence and understanding.Collaboration with teammates and colleagues in the course and the sector to tackle health issues and develop the most effective solutions.Effective sharing of relevant information.Skills in healthcare leadership and management resulting from the training.Weaknesses Under-development in health leadership expertise hampering critical decision-making.Lack of sufficient knowledge in critical issues in healthcare due to inadequate experience.
Opportunities Further learning opportunities to build critical areas of expertise.Further research to explore the extensive literature on critical healthcare and healthcare leadership areas to build my competence.Mentorship and role modeling to learn from the leading experts in the sector.Threats Multiplicity of skills that I require to obtain to build my expertise.Strain and exhaustion due to huge demands in the course and practice.

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