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MJ x Aaron Meeting Transcript
Thread · 1
Annie Zykova for Yepic AI Organization
Joseph Ubine for Pison Peak Co.
Yes, I can hear you.
Annie Zykova
Great. Hello, my name is Annie and I work on customer success here at Ypki. So today we’re here for a quick walkthrough of the studio. So just before we dive Pin, then, could I just ask, have you already had a chance to try the studio out for yourself or are you completely new to it?
Joseph Ubine
Well, I’ve tried some of the features.
Annie Zykova
Was this recently or a few months ago?
Joseph Ubine
Annie Zykova
Okay, so in that case, what is the purpose of the walkthrough today? Would you just like a few questions answered or is there any particular element that you’d like to learn about? Just make use of the time.
Joseph Ubine
Okay. I’ve actually tried the features and I’ve seen some things I think could be probably improved. But I think the system itself is very efficient in terms of elearning and production of certain videos in the sense that it helps to guide someone who is listening. But I actually felt in terms of the body language of the AI, it’s probably limited and one could easily detect that it’s an AI. Initially it was difficult to find the YouTube channel on YouTube, but as of today I was able to find it because I was trying to mention it when I was posting the video on YouTube. So it was a little bit difficult to find. But then today I was able to find it and I’ve seen a couple of videos that means you guys are doing something.
Joseph Ubine
And then the flexibility of the design so that it can be used on other platforms, not just on the White Epic platform alone, so that it can be integrated. So those are just the basic things I consider that could be useful in improving the system.
Annie Zykova
Of course, yeah. Can you see my screen share?
Joseph Ubine
Yeah, I can see it.
Annie Zykova
Excellent. Okay, so can I just ask a few more questions first? Are you currently on a plan or are you considering using Ups?
Joseph Ubine
Well, I’m considering using it, but then I tried one of the avatar, the one that has to do with corporate. I just dropped just added a little script and watch it before, but then those limitations. Okay, that’s the first one. The one next to the one next to chicken. That’s the one I tried. It was efficient, but then the fact that I want to really dictate that it’s a little bit well, but I consider opening up for a plan in the near future because presently I don’t really need to integrate here to what I’m doing. But then I saw it being advertised, so I thought I should see how far they’ve gone because I’m also doing something else to do with AI. So I try to see what you guys are doing and then see how improving what I’m doing.
Joseph Ubine
But then I look forward to opting for a plan because you guys are doing something very useful to what we really need in the cloud service at the moment. So it’s quite useful.
Annie Zykova
Great, I’m glad to hear it. So could I ask then what types of videos you arc planning to use this for?
Joseph Ubine
Well, most of the training videos that we have recently, YouTube videos. Right. So videos that could also involve like showing instruction to require and then most of your advertisers are just passport size shapes. So if we could have something more advanced in terms of animation that we have, like the animations in videos, all these cartoon movies where they have liberty to really freestyle, sit, stand and all that, things like that. So that in terms of giving out instruction for say, dan exercise or something more like an exercise tutoring and exercising, coaching, giving instruction, so there’s something like that.
Annie Zykova
Okay. Yeah. Great. So in that case, just before we launch into a quick walkthrough on the topic of avatars, so you said that the avatars could use some improvement. Our tech team is very much working on that on a regular basis. I just thought I should also mention though that in addition to the avatars, we also have this, which is known as talking photos. I don’t know if you’re familiar with this, but it’s basically a talking photo is a much lighter smile size, so it’s easier to render and they’re more realistic and you can actually upload your own one as well. And we can animate a photograph of you for no extra cost as long as you’re on the plus plan.
Annie Zykova
So in case you wanted something a little easier and more realistic and you’re not too worried about having like a full body, I highly recommend the idea of a talking photo in case that’s of interest. Okay, yeah. Any questions at this stage or shall we begin? Great. So let me know if you need me to speed up or to slow down. So as you can see here, this is the dashboard. It’s a summary of your most recent videos. Below is a summary of your plan, so it’s a good reminder. And if you ever need to upgrade, the upgrade page is just below here. Did I understand you correctly then, that you’re on a are you on a starter plan? Are you on a free trial? We just opened that for you.
Joseph Ubine
Yeah, I think it’s a starter free trial to see how it works.
Annie Zykova
Sure, yeah. Obviously, as you can see here, we have a good breakdown. The starter plan has quite limited video credits and it’s watermarked. Right, so it will always have the yepic, watermark over it. Obviously once you go to a page plan that is removed, you can see the fine details here on the page. Yeah. Okay. So that is the main dashboard. It’s quite self explanatory. The video maker you might have seen, but just to give you a quick overview, slides are here if you want to maintain the same position of the avatar. You don’t have to do that manually. You can literally just click duplicate and it stays in the same position. So that’s a good feature. Type the script here.
Annie Zykova
You can choose from a variety of voices and you can listen to every voice on these buttons here to get a feel for the quality. Here you can see the providers, the AI voice providers that we use. These are all industry leading providers. If we had to choose our favorite ones, it would be deepsen and resemble. We just think that they’re the best ones of the luck. On the topic of resemble, I just thought I should mention that we have recently formed a partnership with them on Voice cloning. So what that means is you can upload an audio file of you speaking and through voice cloning we can give your voice speaking German or Japanese. So that’s a very cool feature that’s in development. But if you’re one of the higher paid plans, you’ll get one of those for free.
Annie Zykova
So that’s just something to bear in mind. And yeah, the voiceover feature quite self explanatory here. You can just upload Dan audio recording and that will be your voice added on. And if you add a custom talking photo, effectively you’re recreating a photo of yourself talking with your invoice. All clear so far?
Joseph Ubine
Annie Zykova
Joseph Ubine
Annie Zykova
So moving swiftly on then, as you can see, background, this is quite a new feature. You can have a solid color. This green screen is a very good idea if you want to use our videos as video layers. You can use a custom image, so you can use a stock image rather, or you can upload your own image. So a tip that we have is maybe screenshotting a PowerPoint slide and adding that here so you can make it a PowerPoint as well. Text self explanatory, a few different text types. We have recently added royalty free music.
Joseph Ubine
Annie Zykova
Yeah. So as you can probably see, we’re moving more and more towards this being like a full self contained video editor. Yeah, so there’s the music. And the good thing about music is it automatically blends with the voice. So there’s no kind of clash of voice and background music. That’s a very good feature. Transitions. Again, you don’t have to worry about the technicalities, you can just choose the transition. You like shapes. At the moment we just have a square, but there are more shapes coming very soon. And if you want the developer docs, they’re just here. And if you ever need the API, you can access that here. Are you familiar with the API? Do you know what that is?
Joseph Ubine
I have a little knowledge about development, but then I would like you to elaborate more on this development part. Yeah, sure.
Annie Zykova
So to summarize briefly then, the difference, if you use the API, you will effectively be able to create one video and then that video can be personalized without you manually making, say, 1000 videos. Sure. Let me explain further. So you want to use videos for training purposes, right?
Joseph Ubine
Annie Zykova
Yes. You can, for example, add what’s known as a dynamic parameter, so, like first name. And you can send out the training videos to say, John Smith, Emma Jones, whatever. Instead of you manually creating like thousands of videos with different James Wise the scripts, you can just use the API and it will do that automatically for you.
Joseph Ubine
Does it also mean, like, if I’m very good at coding, I’ll use the API to create an avatar and create all of this? Is it the same thing?
Annie Zykova
Yes. So the developer docs basically allow you to create videos with code instead of with traditional video production. You can also use the API, for example, for a white label. So we have a client, for instance, who is going to use the API to give our studio to their customers, but the branding will be theirs. That’s another use for it. Would that be something that you’re potentially interested in, even though in the future?
Joseph Ubine
Yeah, if I really understand it more detail. I think it’s something that I wolf like to do. Because if you have a look at some of the things we’ve done, we’re trying to integrate this kind of features, but then I think it’s something I should look into and then the review on it.
Annie Zykova
Great. I can follow up on email about that if you like. Would you mind just confirming your email? I can confirm this meeting.
Joseph Ubine
P-I-S-O-N-P-I-S-O-N-P-E-A-K-P-E-A-K. Yeah, then group. Yeah.
Annie Zykova
Perfect. Okay. I will follow up with you about the API in more detail after this meeting, just briefly to explain how you could get it. We’re quite flexible, but one of the main ways you can do it is so on the plus plan or the premium plan, if you scroll down here, you will see this API access. So if you’re on the plus plan or the premium plan, you will get the API included, just so you know. So at the moment you’re on starter. Obviously you don’t have it.
Joseph Ubine
It’s a little bit different from what’s it called. Okay. Probably because it’s a new starter. So that’s why it’s given the option. Because if you look at the platform like Watson, Google, Amazon and the rest of them, the APIs arc free to assess. But the fact that one has to be part of the premium before one could access the API. Because when people have access to the API. It helps to view the community and then the system is more known and all that. But then you choose to integrate it into I just hope that changed your time. Because if they try to emulate the companies who have done far better ahead of the game. If you try to emulate them a little. It’s more helpful than trying to be more closed and order.
Annie Zykova
Okay, so your suggestion is to kind of have it as an open beta. Do I understand you right?
Joseph Ubine
Yeah, that’s the way this APIs is Watson? Yeah, it’s Watson. And then the other one is Google, and the other one is Amazon. Those people that have APIs are just free to access?
Annie Zykova
Sure. Okay. Yeah. Thank you for the feedback. I mean, obviously we’re at a slightly different stage of development to Google or Amazon, but yes, we’ll take that on board. We’re very flexible. So we’re open to have a phone call, like a video call, and discuss how it works for you. You can get it as an add on as well. That’s no problem. But again, that’s something that I can follow up with you about in a different email. Great. How many videos do you think you’ll be making per month?
Joseph Ubine
At the moment, I’ll lie to you. At the moment, I’m in school. I’m working so hard to finish my project, but sometimes when I just go to my phone, I see some of this new development. I see they do something very exciting, very unique, like what you’re showing to me now. I just pick interest. I want to check it out. I’m lucky enough you guys have started free account, so I just checked it out. So that’s very unique. And then I was able to initiate on my channel and all my subscribers, viewers and all that. Obviously I say, wow, this is unique. This is a new idea. Yes. But at the moment, I can’t tell you that I’ll be doing much of this video creation because I’m still trying to work on my work in school.
Joseph Ubine
As soon as I’m done with that, then I’m going to think of marketing publicity and social media work and all that.
Annie Zykova
Yeah, of course. That’s understandable. Obviously, you can access this pricing page on our website, but as you can see, like, the amount of video, the number of videos you can make per month there is by payment plan. So that’s just something to keep in mind. Great. So we’ve seen the dashboard, we’ve seen the video maker. I’ve shown you where to access the development docs. And down here is the gallery of all of your videos all in one place. You get an email once it’s rendered, it renders on average in about 20 minutes, so it’s not a long wait at all. And then once it’s ready, you come here, you click on the video, shows your video ID. So this is what you need for customer support if you need it.
Annie Zykova
And you just download so there’s a download button and it downloads as an MP4 file? Yeah. So that’s pretty much everything. And down here, you can see details of your membership plan. So if you ever want to change that’s, there. Great. Do you have any other questions or comments.
Joseph Ubine
Okay, I’ll just ask this if you don’t mind. Is there a word limit to what the AI could read and then create a video? Is there a limit?
Annie Zykova
Very good question. So off the top of my head, I don’t have a word limit. The reason for this is because we recommend if you have a video, to split it up by slide and from all the videos. Yeah. So we wouldn’t recommend having a very long essay all copy pasted into one text box. And because I personally never done that, I’ve always split it up. I’ve never reached limit. I can check with our tech team, but we highly recommend you just split it up, like you would say, a PowerPoint.
Joseph Ubine
PowerPoint. Okay, that’s awesome. Yeah, it’s good.
Annie Zykova
I can ask though, it’s a good question.
Joseph Ubine
Yeah, they probably might not have maybe the question I might decide to just add, but then it depends on the business policy because it’s just like, what do we have? Twitter. Twitter have a limit? Facebook, it’s more detailed and if you check synthesia AI, they have a limit. So if you guys don’t have a limit, then you arc in the standard of like Facebook and then they are pin the standard of Twitter. So everybody place this game uniquely with advantage and all that. So people who have more scripts that will come to your side and those who just want maybe headline kind of stuff go to synthesia AI. Yeah, okay, sure.
Annie Zykova
But yeah, I’ll ask the tech team if there is indeed a word limit. I’ve used like a whole paragraph before and it’s worked. So the limit is not small. Definitely.
Joseph Ubine
Okay. Doing something a little bit similar, but I think yours is a little bit more unique and special as well, which is very good.
Annie Zykova
Great. Any other final thoughts, questions, comments?
Joseph Ubine
Or is that I’m surprised that intimacy officer allowed to ask.
Annie Zykova
Sorry, say that again.
Joseph Ubine
I was like, is it okay if I ask? Because at the beginning it was just all duck and smile too. I just decided to leave it track, so I don’t know if it’s allowed. I got a message that this video meeting was going to be recorded, right? Yes, it’s been recorded and I got another received recording.
Annie Zykova
Okay. Yeah. So you would like the recording of this meeting?
Joseph Ubine
Well, I got a message if you wanted to send it to you, but I just decided to open.
Annie Zykova
Joseph Ubine
And the fact that you don’t show your face in the mixing so my.
Annie Zykova
Camera is not working today. That’s the reason.
Joseph Ubine
Annie Zykova
Joseph Ubine
Okay. Nov problem.
Annie Zykova
Okay, great. Is that everything then, or is there.
Joseph Ubine
Any other yeah, that’s everything.
Annie Zykova
Okay, so then great. In summary then, I will follow up with you about the API. I’ll try and do that tomorrow. I will ask the tech team about if there is a word limit for the script and I will make sure that you get a recording of this meeting. Okay. Thank you for your time. Thank you. I hope this is helpful.
Joseph Ubine
Thank you very much, Anne. Thank you.
Annie Zykova
Have a nice day. Bye bye.
Joseph Ubine
You too. Bye.
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