I am Eke Ibia from Nigeria in Africa with background in medicine and Surgery with three years of experience in clinical medicine.

As a medical doctor, I have always been deeply passionate about improving healthcare system and making a positive impact in people’s lives. I realized that in order to drive significant change in the field of healthcare, I needed to complement my medical background with a broader understanding of global healthcare systems, policies and management strategies.

When I discovered MSc in global healthcare management program, it felt like the perfect opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to lead healthcare initiatives on a  global scale. The United Kingdom, with its
rich history in healthcare advancements and diverse cultural landscape provided the ideal environment to grow both personally and professionally.

During my time in this program, I intend to achieve goals. Firstly, I want to expand my knowledge and understanding of healthcare management practices from a global perspective. Secondly, I am eager to collaborate with professionals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. I believe that learning from others’ experiences and sharing my own expertise will foster innovative solutions to the complex challenges faced by the global healthcare community.

Furthermore, I aspire to develop strong leadership and management skills that will empower me to initiate and execute healthcare projects effectively. Whether it’s enhancing access to quality healthcare in underserved areas or promoting health education and prevention programs, I want to be at the forefront of creating positive change.

Combining my background in medicine with the knowledge  I will gain from MSc in global healthcare management is a powerful synergy. I see myself as a bridge between medical practitioners and healthcare administrators. Through this combination, I hope to bring a unique perspective that integrates the clinical aspects of patient care with the strategic planning and decision making required to build a sustainable healthcare system

In the long run, I envision myself working with international organisations,
governments and NGOs to shape healthcare policies and promote access to
healthcare resources. By leveraging on my medical expertise and global
healthcare management knowledge I aim to contribute significantly to the
improvement of healthcare on a global scale.

I am excited about the journey ahead and the opportunities to  make a positive impact. I want the world to know that my commitment to enhancing healthcare transcends borders and that I am determined to be part of the solution for a healthier and more equitable world.

Let’s us work together to create a brighter future for global healthcare.