Month: August 2023

Navigating the Gray Areas: Understanding Academic Misconduct👍

Academic misconduct refers to any behaviour or action that undermines the integrity of the academic process. It encompasses a wide range of unethical behaviours, including plagiarism, cheating, collusion and data fabrication, has serious consequences for people and organizations. Individuals may receive failing grades, be expelled, or have their personal integrity and reputation damaged. Such repercussions may limit future academic and professional possibilities. Academic misconduct harms institutions’ credibility, reputation, and confidence among students, faculty, and stakeholders. It might have legal repercussions and jeopardize the quality of education and research. Furthermore, academic misconduct promotes a dishonest culture while undermining the academic community’s essential principles of study and integrity. Long-term consequences include job limits, psychological stress, and poor learning settings. To offset these effects, institutions must implement strong standards, encourage ethical behaviour, and educate students on the value of academic integrity.


AREA OF DEVELOPMENT​– To  improve on my  time management skills​

METHOD OF DEVELOPMENT ​-setting realistic and attainable goals, optimizing realistic planning using daily to-do list, prioritizing my goals in order of importance and urgency using eisenhower matrix, effective scheduling using electronic calendar, delegating work to divide task among team members​.

RESOURCES NEEDED– Daily to-do list, Electronic calendar, time tracking software program​.

BY WHEN– 31st August, 2023

MEASURABLE OUTCOME- Through self-reflection

AREA OF DEVELOPMENT​-To  improve on my digital skills​

METHOD OF DEVELOPMENT ​– Enrol in online classes, exploring internet on daily basis, seeking help from friends and colleagues​

RESOURCES NEEDED– Online resources, books, friends, colleagues​

BY WHEN– 31st August, 2023

MEASURABLE OUTCOME- Through self-reflection, through 360-degree feedback from friends, colleagues

AREA OF DEVELOPMENT​– To improve on my public speaking skills​

METHOD OF DEVELOPMENT ​-Consistent practice, actively involving In focused group discussions, recording myself and reviewing my recordings to identify area of improvement, studying and learning from experts by watching TED talks, attending seminars and workshops, engaging more in class ,volunteering and taking up leadership positions, practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization techniques​

RESOURCES NEEDED– Focused group discussions, TED talks, seminars, workshops, reading books online and library​

BY WHEN– 31st August, 2023

MEASURABLE OUTCOME- Through 360-degree feedback from tutors, mentor, friends and colleagues, through self-reflection​

“Unveiling My Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats: A Personal SWOT Analysis”

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. My SWOT analysis is aim at assessing my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats so as to further enhance my strengths, improve on my weaknesses and minimize my threats


1.Enthusiasm as being enthusiastic is a crucial source of energy for completing a task and making significant progress

2.Emotional intelligence as it builds better working relationships, create value and gives one confidence to work with others, resolve issues and enhance social and communication skills .


1. Poor time management– in order to reduce distractions, procrastinations and enhance self-discipline, I am working towards improving on my time management as this will further improve my academic performance, reduce stress and anxiety.

2.Fear of public speaking-I am effectively working on it and seeing improvement as efficient public speaking skills enhance confidence, increase team work, personal growth, career advancement and strong leadership.


1.International education which provides numerous opportunities including high quality education, resources, networking and diversity.

2.Cultural diversity– promotes racial and ethnic harmony and intercultural understanding.


1.Language barrier making it difficult to engage in social interactions and educational setting. However, I try to be respectful at all times, use plain language and repetition with colleagues and classmates.

2.Inadequate digital skills– I am currently putting all efforts to improve on my digital skills as digital age enhances collaboration, communication, networking, professional development and skill development.

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