As a current postgraduate student pursuing an MSc in Global Healthcare Management at Coventry University and a qualified medical doctor, I am embarking on a journey to further my career within the medical field. My long-term aspiration is to specialize in oncology within the NHS, where I can make a meaningful impact in the lives of cancer patients. Through strategic planning and career mapping, I aim to leverage my knowledge, interests, and opportunities to overcome barriers and achieve success in fulfilling my professional goals. In this career map, I’ll outline the foundational elements driving my aspirations, the resources I’ll need to achieve them, potential obstacles, and the proactive steps I’ll take to overcome them.


My aspiration is to transition from a postgraduate student studying MSC Global Healthcare Management at Coventry University to a specialized medical doctor focusing on oncology within the NHS.


I possess a solid foundation in medical knowledge as a qualified medical doctor, and I am currently expanding my understanding of healthcare management through my postgraduate studies.


My interest lies in the field of oncology, particularly in understanding and treating cancer patients. I am passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of those affected by cancer.


Opportunities for me include gaining clinical experience in oncology through clinical rotations, applying for specialty training positions in oncology within the NHS, and networking with professionals in the field.


I possess qualities such as empathy, dedication, resilience, and a strong work ethic, which are essential for succeeding in the demanding field of oncology.


My achievements include obtaining a medical degree and being accepted into the MSC Global Healthcare Management program. Additionally, I aim to achieve success in my postgraduate studies and secure relevant clinical experience in oncology.


Potential barriers I may encounter include competition for specialty training positions in oncology and navigating the complexities of the NHS application and training process.


I am adaptable, determined, and focused on my goals. I am also open to learning from mentors and collaborating with colleagues to overcome challenges and achieve success in my career.


My motivation stems from my desire to contribute to the field of oncology, alleviate the suffering of cancer patients, and advance my own professional development as a medical doctor.


I possess clinical skills acquired through my medical training, as well as leadership, communication, and analytical skills developed during my postgraduate studies. I am committed to continuously enhancing my skills to excel in the field of oncology.

By integrating these foundational elements into my career map, I am poised to navigate the path towards becoming an oncologist with the NHS, overcoming obstacles, and achieving my long-term aspirations in the field of oncology.

Where am I at?

Currently, I’m enrolled as a postgraduate student pursuing an MSc in Global Healthcare Management at Coventry University. I’m also a practicing medical doctor with a strong aspiration to specialize in oncology within the NHS.

What would I need to achieve my goal?

To fulfil my ambition of becoming an oncologist with the NHS, I’ll need to complete specialty training in oncology. This involves gaining significant experience in the field through rotations and securing specialty training through programs sanctioned by the General Medical Council (GMC). Additionally, I’ll likely need to pass specific examinations and meet other requirements set by professional bodies like the Royal College of Physicians

What obstacles do I see or envisage?

Some potential hurdles on my journey could include:

Tough competition for specialty training positions in oncology.

Meeting the demanding academic and clinical standards for specialty training.

Navigating the complexities of the NHS application and training process.

What am I doing about identified obstacles?

To address these challenges, I’m taking several proactive steps:

Striving to excel in my current MSc program to showcase my dedication to healthcare management.

Actively seeking opportunities to gain relevant clinical experience in oncology during my postgraduate studies or afterward through clinical rotations and attachment

Networking with oncologists and other healthcare professionals to gain valuable insights into the field and potential training pathways by attending face to face conferences, webinars and clinical rotations

Staying vigilant about application deadlines and requirements for specialty training positions.

Seeking mentorship or guidance from experienced oncologists or medical professionals who have walked similar career paths.

By remaining focused and adaptable while actively addressing these obstacles, I’m confident in my ability to realize my goal of becoming an oncologist with the NHS.