For details of our next online meeting, please see the Events page
April: Erika L. Weiberg,’The Writing on the Mind: Deianeira’s Trauma in Sophocles’ Trachiniae’, Phoenix (2018)
May: Blossom Stefaniw, ‘Feminist Historiography and Uses of the Past’, Studies in Late Antiquity (2020)
August: Kyle Harper, ‘Culture, Nature, and History: The Case of Ancient Sexuality’, Comparative Studies in Society and History (2013)
September: Ruth Mazzo Karas, ‘Active/Passive, Acts/Passions: Greek and Roman Sexualities’, The American Historical Review (2000)
October: Mary Lefkowitz, ‘“Predatory” Goddesses’, Hesperia (2002)
November: Roland Betancourt, ‘Slut-shaming an Empress’ , Byzantine Intersectionality
December: Gerda Lerner, ‘The Creation of Patriarchy’ and ‘The Woman Slave’ , The Creation of the Patriarchy (1986)
January: bell hooks, ‘Feminist movement to end violence’ and ‘Ending female sexual oppression’, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Centre
February: Susan Brownmiller, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape
March: Daniel Libatique, ‘Ovid in the #MeToo Era’, Helios
April: Patricia B. Salzman-Mitchell, ‘Phantastic Text(iles)’, A Web of Fantasies: Gaze, Image, and Gender in Ovid’s Metamorphoses
May: Sylvana Tomaselli and Roy Porter, ‘Rape – Does it Have a Historical Meaning?’, Rape: An Historical and Cultural Enquiry
June: Andrea Dworkin’s ‘Against the Male Flood. Censorship, Pornography, and Equality’
September: Saidiya Hartman’s ‘Lose Your Mother’, Lose Your Mother. A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route (2021) 154-72
November: Kim F. Hall’s ‘Fair Texts/Dark Ladies: Renaissance Lyric and the Poetics of Color’, Things of Darkness. Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern England (1995) 62-122
January: Carmen Maria Machado, ‘The Husband Stitch‘ and ‘Especially Heinous: 272 View of Law & Order SVU‘, from Her Body & Other Parties.
September: Amanda McVitty, ‘Homosociality, Sexual Misconduct and Gendered Violence in England’s Pre-Modern Legal Profession‘, Past and Present (2023) 1-32