Welcome to Copyright literacy! This site will provide you with resources and tools for you to understand copyright and build on your confidence for copying right.

My name is Erica Wine and I am the Copyright Lead at Coventry University Online and I will create posts aimed at all staff and students of the Coventry University Group.

Copyright is an important consideration when using any third-party material even for education purposes.

It is your personal legal responsibility to ensure that you comply with copyright law: you ought to select material that is only lawfully accessible and re-usable in the specific way you intend to handle it.

Whether you are a new starter, or whether you’ve been here for a few years, this site is designed to give you some core skills and understanding about copyright that will be really useful to you even beyond the University.

Copyright literacy is part of digital skills which are increasingly important in today’s society, and I hope that you’ll have everything you need to be successful.

How to use this site

You may use this site in varous ways:
– Searching with keywords to solve a specific copyright query
– Browsing categories and tags that fit your purpose
– Looking in depth at the following topics at glance:

  1. Copyright overview
  2. History of copyright
  3. Licences
  4. Public domain

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The author takes no responsibility for the content of this site, which is not intended as binding legal advice. The views are pertaining to the application of copyright to the UK Higher Education sector.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of “Copyright Literacy” was created by Erica Wine. © 2021. Coventry University. Licensed CC BY 4.0.